报告题目:Laser-based diagnostics for gas-phase sensing,



报 告 人:Genny A. Pang, Ph.D.(慕尼黑工业大学)


Laser diagnostics enable quantitative species-sensitive detection in a variety of gas-phase and mixed-phase applications varying from combustion to process control to atmospheric science. A variety of laser-based diagnostics will be presented in this talk, and example applications and results using these diagnostics will be shown. Measurement of combustion chemistry rates are critical in the development of models that can help improve novel engine designs, and this can be carried out with in situ measurement with direct laser absorption spectroscopy. Two dimensional imaging diagnostics in combustion can image flames and other flow phenomena in real time and can also aid in new engine development, and this can be achieved using planar laser-induced fluorescence. Monitoring of aerosols in the atmosphere is critical to understanding the light and heat reaching our troposphere, and this requires a diagnostic such as photoacoustic spectroscopy.


G.A. Pang博士2012年获美国斯坦福大学机械工程专业博士学位。现就职于德国慕尼黑工业大学。申报人研究方向为光声成像领域,即基于光学效应、光谱技术、激光器件等的生物医学诊断技术,尤其是光声效应中超声波在组织内的吸收特性、量化及其作用建模,以及激光诊断技术的外科伤害评估,研究课题具有极大的创新性、前沿性和必要性,光声成像作为当前最具潜力的非侵入式的生物医学检测技术,兼具声学成像对深层组织空间分辨率高的优点和光学成像对比度高、对组织信息敏感的优点,表现出巨大应用前景。

近年来,凭借生物医学成像领域的应用研究,已在国际高水平期刊与会议发表论文30余篇,包括Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology、Journal of Biophotonics、Journal of Physical Chemistry A、Combustion and Flame等高水平期刊(影响因子超过3)11篇,作国际特约报告7次,参加国际会议10次。曾获得多项奖学金及荣誉,并担任IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control、Photoacoustics Journal、Journal of Biomedical Optics、Combustion Science and Technology Journal等国际期刊的特邀审稿人。


下一篇:【报告】Photoacoustic imaging for medical ablation treatments